I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Saturday, January 12, 2013


sekarang ni jasmaine dah mula gila kan kaya ball. as a doting mother..mula2 aku layankan dia mkn benda tu hari2 di Tesco. EVERY WEEKEND without fail dia akan beli..RM5 for 20 pieces which she could swallow in a matter of 15 minutes. 
     i started googling about this kayaball and discovered about takoyaki. then i read somewhere you can actually buy takoyaki grill or takoyaki pan. ada 2 jenis takoyaki grill, yg bulat n yg rectangular. mula2 nk beli yg rectangular tu.kalau korang share ramai2 beli dgn solelyonline, dia bole tu bole bg harga dealer. tp lps pk lama2, aku ada baca review x best psl pakai electric takoyaki pan ni coz ada yg terbakar (voltage jepun x sama dgn kita) so aku decide nk beli takoyaki pan yg empat segi mcm ni . paling2 teruk pun aku cuma kena control api je kan.
so bila google lagi aku jumpa satu company  malaysia yg import pan ni. namanya MTB marketing. RM130 skali dgn shipping. ni tokey dia melayu. tp sbb jauh sgt kat kelantan,aku risau kalau2 aku x bleh follow up bila xdpt brg...so google lagi jumpa Hocatsu Sdn Bhd..ni kat sunway..korang nk g retail shop dia pun bole.
admin exec dia email price list. nah aku bg korang tgk kat sini..mana tau...bole beli brg2 cooking lain yg canggih manggih utk koleksi memenuhkan umah.
dia bg quotation harga pan tu rm87.60 + rm20 (courier)= rm107.60
so beli la sapa2 yg budget conscious mcm aku ni..aku x dpt untung apa..cuma nk mudah kan keja korang yg tercari2...kalau ada problem..bole tanya aku

Friday, August 3, 2012


I kept telling myself that this is not a pregnancy..I just need some time to recuperate at home. At home I was greeted with loneliness and the urge to feel normal again. I marked books, I slept, did some facebooking until my butt felt sore to make that emptiness go away.  Am I in denial?
     The night I came home from the hospital, both of us slept in each other's arm. I asked him" Are we sad?" "No, I'm just glad that you are ok" was the reply. I was relieved because there was no pressure and urgency for this pregnancy to materialise. ..Or so I thought..
 The day after I came back from the hospital, a friend sent a sms of how sorry she felt for me and gave me her words of encouragement. Immediately, I was flooded with sadness..I hugged Walid and cried in his arms. He reminded me of our conversation earlier. At the back of my conscious mind, I knew it was not meant to be, emotionally I knew I was not sad for losing the pregnancy. Then why did I cry? Was I in one of those mood swings?
     Chris called up just now to check whether I was alright. Of course I was ok..nothing was wrong except probably I need to open up and talk about this episode. We talked about a lot of things...That seemed to clear my head from the things I should not think about.

      I'm fine..in case you are wondering.....:)

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Throughout my life, this was my first miscarriage . The word miscarriage itself was awkward to me because I didn't actually think I was pregnant. When the clerk at the counter asked "Ini anak ke berapa, Puan?" I was stunned. I could see people around me in pink gowns chattering away with each other merrily about babies and here I was still trying to comprehend what was happening to my own body.
      I was not sad to lose this pregnancy. Aku redha. Read THIS then you will understand. Things happen for a reason. When the gynecologist called me in and scanned my uterus, she confirmed that everything that should come out had came out. I felt a sense of relief. We had a lengthy discussion about being pregnant again. I was reminded that wanting to be pregnant again should be a conscious effort starting from now. I can't leave to chance anymore. As I am over 35 now, the possibility of a problematic pregnancy is higher. I came out from the room, and sat with same group of ladies earlier. It turned out that all of us shared the same fate.. one  lady who was chirpy earlier was quite sad..she wanted the pregnancy really bad..i really pitied her
      When everything was settled..i bid them farewell..surprisingly all of us hugged each other as if we had known each other for years...one thing for sure..all of us understood what each of us felt...

Implantation bleeding

This past few weeks had been by far the most turbulent weeks for me. Initially, at the start of Ramadan, I thought I was having my regular period. It was odd however when it came out very little and brownish or sometimes blackish. I thought it was because I started drinking green tea and royal jelly. On the urging of my maid, I stopped this ritual, still nothing happened. My period was the same, brownish. After 12 days, some friends suggested that I should do a pregnancy test. I thought it was silly, but my curiosity got the better of me. I did it anyway and to my surprise, there were two lines although the other one was barely visible. I got curious and read up on the internet. I found out about Implantation Bleeding. I was actually really pregnant! After 4 years! Imagine that..
    I was a bit worried though because the spotting on my panties had increased. The next day, i went to a clinic, and after an UPT and a scan, still the doctors were not sure whether I was really pregnant as it was too early. I was told to come again next week. The next day, at work, I experienced severe pain. I noticed there were a lot of blood on my pad. Instinctively, I knew something was not right. I drove home and when I was in the toilet i noticed two lumps of goo and blood came out after I experinced severe pain. I called up the doctor, she asked me whether the thing that came out resembled fish gut. It WAS! I had to go to the hospital quick!
       Was I sad? I'm not sure..Do I really want to be pregnant? Yes..but still I have doubts...

Saturday, March 17, 2012


It has been ages since i last baked these buns..why? because to me it is a bit tedious as the dough seemed to have strange fondness to stick on my fingers...why is it that way? probably i added a lot of liquid in the mixture and for some irrepressed consciousness  i refused to calculate the amount of water. although at the back of my mind i knew that i had to do that to ensure the buns will come out prettily...

oh well...the buns did not last long. the longest was until the next day...nobody is complaining. so why should i complain :)

(yay! this is the point where u readers should congratulate me for finally able to put up a pic here...ahahhahah..my first successful attempt)

Monday, October 24, 2011

ISTIQAMAH..they called it...i called it..when you are bored...u bake cake...banana cake!

hmmmm...it has been ages since i came here and update my blog...i could see some cobwebs in the corner..it is amusing to realise how time flies yet a lot of things still remain the same....for example...i thought that by having a blog will make me more focus and will help me put my thoughts down...yet i remain the same...
  a few days ago i decided to bake a banana cake...this is  the only cake the kids will eat apart from chocolate cake....funnily enough it turned out ok...just picture this ...a mother frantically mixing the ingredients with an overzealous 3 year-old who wanted to help...i remembered the last time i baked a banana cake was when widad poured a ladle full of green curry on top of my cooling banana cake...
anyway....i'm actually in the Deepavalli mode...not planning to do anything fancy...maybe bake a few sausage rolls and a few steam choc cake....oh yeah...will write on that soon...

Monday, May 2, 2011

stealing my precious times............

i haven't got the time to update this blog though my heart is screaming to do so...lately i have experimented with a lot of recipes which sometimes proved disasterous given the fact that i changed the ingredient according to my whim and fancy...but they eventually turned ok...the kids walloped the whole thing...

i am actually waiting for my choc bread to proof...i have a few minutes left before i start baking them...
so far i tried baking pumpkin loaf bread...A DISASTER...the bread turned out to be extra yellow...scary i tell u!
as for potato bun..i used to buy and use potato flakes for my potato bun..but the past few days i couldn't find them anywhere near rawang...so i decided to substitute it with mashed potato...the dough was too soggy...sticking everywhere,...making me curse myself even more...
but the end result made my nostril flared with pride....the kids, cik esah and walid loved them....suffice to say i was proud with my escapade...

woops! time's up...got to go to bake the choc buns now...toodles!