I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I think last year during MAHA 2010 i bought 4 kilos of this bread flour...think i have commented it here 
i was actually impressed with the price hehehehhe...yes! the frugal me was talking back then...
here are some things i discovered:
a) this flour requires more liquid...if you use the flour and follow the recipe exactly..you are in for a HARDDDDD surprise...like i did!
b) it has this distinct smell or sort of like an after taste...like stale..or the smell of rice that have been kept for a long time....i gave some of the bread to my friends..they said the flour tasted and smelled ok...so...maybe it was me being picky...maybe...
c) made pretty looking buns..and fluffy looking buns.(sorry would really like to upload the pics but still unable to figure out how to upload in this blog of mine)

so...there you go folks...i think y'all should try and give your own comments...let us share...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Call me an idiot...call me nuts..i have never been impressed with red velvet...i don't care whether it is the best ever cake in this whole wide world....with that statement i was actually undermining the power of a curious mind over our own self control...
a few days back i decided to feast my eye at http://www.bisousatoi.com. i stumbled across her post the one on red velvet cake...the pics were overwhelmingly superb i tell you! rima kept on writing...how she regretted not trying the recipe before this...how she kept on encouraging the readers tio give it a try...obviously i'm curious..right...i am by nature a very curious A.K.A BUSY BODY so to speak...so i made walid drive me to LMC to buy the things needed.
i started baking around 6.30pm...and at 9 pm still baking....i'm a slow worker u see...the kids were curious with my new ínvention'they had never seen something so red before in their lives...jasmaine even warned me "kalau x sedap...siap mummy!"
so after i ve finally iced the cake...i carefully cut the cake and tasteit...it was exactly like what rima had said...it was wonderful..it was marvellous..it was heavenly...it was...it was...indescribable...okay..okay...i was actually intimidated with the red colour...to me who would eat something as red as that...like you've just robbed the blood bank and pour the whole pint into your batter.... forgive me red velvet..i shall never doubt u again...
jasmaine kept on harping about the cake and kept on eating teh cake again and again...
my only complain was the cake was wayyyyyyyyy too sweet...maybe next time i have to reduce the amount of sugar used.... double thumbs up!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This CNY hols is driving me crazy...why? i've got tonnes of work to do...which i don't know where to begin...but eventually i managed to get 2 out of 4 done...i'm left with Module for STAR STUDENTs and monthly exam papers...phew!
during the start of the holiday...i tried baking chocolate bread...(which was not as successful ...like its predecessor..by the way) but it was a hit with jasmaine...when i cut it open there was one huge gap inside probably because of the filling and the air pocket inside the bread while it was proofing......cik sah bought me snickers instead of cadbury milk chocolate..(well i had to make do with what i have right...do u expect me to be a mean Puan by sending the old lady to the shop again ?)
oh whatever....i suck! i'm a bit pissed right now because with the amount of work i have right now...i can't bake anything...
the kids were getting sick of bread....heheheh but they are not going to see the last of it...i'm planning to bake some chocolate cake for them....oh well....see how it goes...when everything is settled....