I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

bitter sweet past..past tense

Lately…I’ve started downloading songs from ARES…songs of the past …versi2 rock kapak…I’ve always like Search and Wings…they  reminded me certain memories that I used to try to put at the back of my mind
I am actually thankful to have all these memories…they have given me better perspective in life…taught me how to prioritise my options…learned to differentiate and read  people’s intentions…
I used to be naïve…I used to think that friendship lasts forever..that actually hurt me in the end…in retrospect it was a good experience that taught me that when it comes to feelings, people are willing to do EVERYTHING to get what they want…they lied…they screwed you up and finally their  true intentions are revealed….
I learned to be wary of man…even if one of them is my husband…I become more cautious and look over my shoulders too many times…
I learned to guard my feelings and not to trust people easily especially those who are wayyyyyyyy to friendly with me….i learned that to value friendship is to be a FRIEND regardless of who they are…and not to expect to have someone who I think is  a FRIEND who cares…I need to start caring for others….to me friends come and go..and I need to stay as a friend…

Friday, December 3, 2010

Halal flour in Malaysia

 while i was strolling in MAHA, i came across this booth that attracted my attention it was TEPUNG GANDUM CAP BIDARA .
I was really excited because they are selling high protein flour...for those who are in the dark with the term, it is actually referring to the type of flour used to bake bread and make them look ever so fluffy...I bought 4 packets. WHY? because it was way cheaper than buying this flour in LMC or MJ Bakersworld. it is only rm2.50 per packet... i was actually attracted to it because the company claimed that they do not use Benzoyl Peroxide to bleach the flour. it is still debated whether this chemical can seriously affect health. Read the article here and here the company also claims that it is 100% muslim made and imported from Turkey. I think it is about time for muslims to support Muslim products. i haven't tried baking with it yet..perhaps today as tomorrow we would be going to Sungai Bil for a picnic. i planned to bring some bread to be eaten during the picnic. will update once i have baked with it.


fruit what? ...don't ask me.. asked Chef Wan..i took it from his recipe from one of his cookbooks. i was a bit apprehensive to try it but the picture looked so tempting...noticed how things look so lovely in the cookbooks and when you actually tried them they turned out like poop...Cik Esah warned me..."you are too old to be fooled by the picture, Puan" ..Oh well...Do I listen? ME? of course not....
half way through the baking process I realised that the batter required the juice of half a lemon.. and i had none so i dashed to the Chinese shop nearby (actually not so nearby) to buy me some lemon..mind you the mixer was still on when I left the house...all the way I grumbled to myself...

But all that was rewarded when the sweet lingering smell of vanilla was enveloping the whole house as the dessert was baking in the oven.. i felt a sense of achievement...yet another successful mission of not setting the whole house on fire....
as time goes by... i realised my limitation...me and cakes..we never get along well...everytime i tried baking some cakes..it will turned out a disaster..that's why i settle with baking bread instead..they are more..ME-friendly...
anyway...the whole house liked it and this has inspired me to practise baking more cakes...(woops....why do i hear warning bell ringing in my head) 
    bottomline is...I need to keep on trying and stop being so negative with myself...i should start practising what i had preached the children in school...after all...i'm not out to impress anyone but MYSELF..if i could beat this small odd...maybe i could also face the other hurdle that has been drowning my self-motivation and confidence....well...one step at a time

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I've heard about MAHA for soooooooooo long yet i was not able to attend it everytime it was organised until last Tuesday. Boy! I was like in a candy store! both me and him arrived at the scene around 10.10a.m. Talk about being eager...
i was proud to say that i have visited almost all the exhibition centres except the section where they had the cattle and such...what a bummer!
anyway...i found a lot of interesting cool stuff there...(bought lots too!) i bought sardine ikan keli (who would have thought of making catfish into canned fish) it could be yucky and icky...but still the adventurous part of me wanted to give it a try...i won't die, would i? then i bought 1set of taharah soap and skincare system...i've tried the mud soap before and it really worked wonders on my skin so now i'm trying on their skin care product..
Then we bought some keropok lekor frozen of course...halal marshmallows, halal 100% bumiputera flour...(the best part is..it is cheaper than then ones bought in baking shop), some sugar-free stevia product. (will be blogging about all these products later).

we went on where our feet took us and eventually discovered this stall that was selling ayam serama..."pretty looking thing" i told myself...when we asked the price..it was a whopping rm1000...one rooster even cost rm20K! MAN! that's a lot of money to be spent on a small or shall i say midget chick!
before going back home we bought some yam (which later caused severe itchiness all over my mouth), jackfruit and a coconut...

overall,.... it was fun couple day out without the kids! we should do this more often....we came back happy, tired and rm120 poorer (luckily i did not bring more than rm45, if not i would be dead broke by the end of the month)