I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Friday, December 3, 2010


fruit what? ...don't ask me.. asked Chef Wan..i took it from his recipe from one of his cookbooks. i was a bit apprehensive to try it but the picture looked so tempting...noticed how things look so lovely in the cookbooks and when you actually tried them they turned out like poop...Cik Esah warned me..."you are too old to be fooled by the picture, Puan" ..Oh well...Do I listen? ME? of course not....
half way through the baking process I realised that the batter required the juice of half a lemon.. and i had none so i dashed to the Chinese shop nearby (actually not so nearby) to buy me some lemon..mind you the mixer was still on when I left the house...all the way I grumbled to myself...

But all that was rewarded when the sweet lingering smell of vanilla was enveloping the whole house as the dessert was baking in the oven.. i felt a sense of achievement...yet another successful mission of not setting the whole house on fire....
as time goes by... i realised my limitation...me and cakes..we never get along well...everytime i tried baking some cakes..it will turned out a disaster..that's why i settle with baking bread instead..they are more..ME-friendly...
anyway...the whole house liked it and this has inspired me to practise baking more cakes...(woops....why do i hear warning bell ringing in my head) 
    bottomline is...I need to keep on trying and stop being so negative with myself...i should start practising what i had preached the children in school...after all...i'm not out to impress anyone but MYSELF..if i could beat this small odd...maybe i could also face the other hurdle that has been drowning my self-motivation and confidence....well...one step at a time

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