I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Thursday, March 17, 2011

hematuria...or whatever they call it

i'm not feeling well these past few days..after the banana cake incident a baked another cake... chocolate mud cake..which really look like a whitish mud..because halfway through baking i realised i had ran out dark choc...what a mess! 
personally i thought it did not taste that good but the kids and hubby said..its good...so probably its good..i don't know...

two days ago..i started to have this funny feeling..everytime i urinate..i feel like i want to urinate over and over again...this feeling continued well into midnight when i finally urinate with 2 drops of blood..i'm like...uh ooo...this is not good...i searched the internet and i read in some website it only hematuria and probably just urinary tract infection....when i woke up the next morning..i started pissing blood...my urine looked murky..at one point..it did really looked bloody..at that point onwards...i started to feel pain severely whenever i urinate...now i'm on medication..i still occasionally feel the pain although it is not as painful as before...the moral lesson that you should learn from this story is, get yourself tested and not wait till the last minute like yours truly....

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