I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Sunday, March 13, 2011


this entry has nothing to do with any natural disaster that happened recently...just to relate to an event that happened yesterday....
 sufi has been nagging me  about a promise i made to her...she kept complaining that i only baked chocolate cake...she wanted her banana cake...
so a day before yesterday.. i bought  a comb of bananas.. and let them ripe for a day... i planned to bake the cake after i finished with tuition...(yes... poor me have to cari makan first)...when i got everything ready...i started baking...i could feel disaster started to tap at my door..it started with not having any castor sugar...but i told myself...never mind i'll make do with what i have...i used brown sugar...then after a while, i realised that i didn't have enough vegetable oil...so i just substituted with cooking oil...(pemalas betul nak pegi beli)
then ....i normally baked cakes at 175-180 degrees... but i decided to to bake according to the recommended temperature around 160 degrees...(oh boy! i'm in a great surprise!)

the cake took a long time to bake...almost an hour...when it finally came out from the oven...it has huge holes as big as the craters on walid's face...(i kid you not!)..well is that the end of my story? hell no...more disasters coming up...

i started to have this sinking bad feeling in my tummy...but i reminded myself "that's what you get when you bake in a hurry"

i put the cake on a rack to cool...my usual drill...
without me noticing it...widad went to the dining table where i put the cake...took one scoop of kuah masak lemak ikan and poured it on top of my COOLING CAKEEEEEE!!!! ARGHHHHH!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! NO!! NO!!! NO!!!
i lost it! i went ballistic and screamed my lungs out. i didn't care it was almost maghrib...i beat the crap out of her..and if it was not for Cik Esah...widad would probably ended up in a hospital ward......
everytime i look at the cake now..i felt this extreme anger at it...i wanted to throw it away but walid said we should not waste food...*sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

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