I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Friday, August 3, 2012


I kept telling myself that this is not a pregnancy..I just need some time to recuperate at home. At home I was greeted with loneliness and the urge to feel normal again. I marked books, I slept, did some facebooking until my butt felt sore to make that emptiness go away.  Am I in denial?
     The night I came home from the hospital, both of us slept in each other's arm. I asked him" Are we sad?" "No, I'm just glad that you are ok" was the reply. I was relieved because there was no pressure and urgency for this pregnancy to materialise. ..Or so I thought..
 The day after I came back from the hospital, a friend sent a sms of how sorry she felt for me and gave me her words of encouragement. Immediately, I was flooded with sadness..I hugged Walid and cried in his arms. He reminded me of our conversation earlier. At the back of my conscious mind, I knew it was not meant to be, emotionally I knew I was not sad for losing the pregnancy. Then why did I cry? Was I in one of those mood swings?
     Chris called up just now to check whether I was alright. Of course I was ok..nothing was wrong except probably I need to open up and talk about this episode. We talked about a lot of things...That seemed to clear my head from the things I should not think about.

      I'm fine..in case you are wondering.....:)

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