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Saturday, January 29, 2011

experiment 1: sweet corn bread.....a success

i have been quite naughty lately...i've blog-hopped fron one to another and simply cut n paste recipes for own personal reference...i came across some bread recipes posted in   a forum...can't really remember the name...the pics on the bread was tempting...so i tried eventually
the moment all the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients were mixing i was telling myself that...(hmmm... looked like  a good texture) but the moment i tossed the creamy sweet corn..disaster struck! everything became watery...i knew i had to put in some flour...and by the looks of it i have poured a LOT of flour! ngeh ngeh ngeh...i was telling myself...ït's ok baby ..if it does not turn out ok..just chuck it into the bin and nobody would know"
well...my my..what a pleasant surprise when i saw it was rising pretty well...and by the time i bake it it looked like a chubby pillow...don't get me started about the smell...jasmaine and sufi came down and started sniffing the oven!
they can't even wait until the bread is cooled...i cut the bread into some slices..i thought the bread would taste a bit sweet..but it tasted just nice...and suited our tastebuds..the texture was soft...with bits of corn here and there...cik esah was telling me..."wahhh  ...mummy buat roti gardenia! sedapnya puan"..my nostril was flaring with pride...
thank you fellow contributor of the recipe..whoever u are..check the recipe from this site
i plan to bake more bread loaves after this..i hope i don't have to rely on the breadman anymore....:)

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