I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Saturday, January 8, 2011

my maid n me....

one fine afternoon:
cik esah: apa ni puan? (with a thick Indonesian accent)
Me       : tu anugerah dapat kat sekolah..
Cik Esah : Anugerah apa?
Me          : Anugerah Guru Bermotivasi SMK TD 2 2010...
Ciik Esah : (still unsatisfied) Motivasi itu apa?
Me          : kira macam x banyak songeh la...
Cik Esah : Songeh tu apa?
Me          : songeh tu x banyak soal la...bos suruh aku buat...
Cik Esah : lho....kenapa kalau di rumah kamu banyak   
                 songeh puan sama aku...?
Me          :hmmmmm....(thinking for answer) sebab aku kat 
                rumah BOSS! jadi aku banyak songeh la....


At this point she went into the kitchen cursing herself saying.."salah pulak soalan saya...saya kena balik....ada saja jawapannya orang ini..."

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