I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Sunday, January 23, 2011

the other side of midnight

i have this nagging feeling that i can't squash...the more i try not to think of it the more it haunts me...i remember when i was young...how surreal life is..and sometimes it can be quite idealistic too...to have the perfect figure, to have the perfect grade, to have a trophy partner...and also to be married happily ever after
10 years down the road and 10 years of maturity taught me a lot of valuable lessons in life:
I learn not to dwell too much on the past...espcially the painful thoughts that linger
i appreaciate what i have now...a stable income, a loving husband, a happy family. i may not be rich or has a filthy rich husband...at least i'm happier than people who are less fortunate than me..although he's not perfect (so do I) we will try and learn to keep each other happy...
i learn to start thinking about ME for a change...i'm fed up being someone's door mat...
i learn to say NO...not that hard actually once u get the hang of it...i did it now without even blinking..ehahahhahahha

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