I see things through my perspective which may not be the same with the way YOU see life...if YOU feel put off by the content...please by all means... blog off from mine

Monday, October 24, 2011

ISTIQAMAH..they called it...i called it..when you are bored...u bake cake...banana cake!

hmmmm...it has been ages since i came here and update my blog...i could see some cobwebs in the corner..it is amusing to realise how time flies yet a lot of things still remain the same....for example...i thought that by having a blog will make me more focus and will help me put my thoughts down...yet i remain the same...
  a few days ago i decided to bake a banana cake...this is  the only cake the kids will eat apart from chocolate cake....funnily enough it turned out ok...just picture this ...a mother frantically mixing the ingredients with an overzealous 3 year-old who wanted to help...i remembered the last time i baked a banana cake was when widad poured a ladle full of green curry on top of my cooling banana cake...
anyway....i'm actually in the Deepavalli mode...not planning to do anything fancy...maybe bake a few sausage rolls and a few steam choc cake....oh yeah...will write on that soon...

Monday, May 2, 2011

stealing my precious times............

i haven't got the time to update this blog though my heart is screaming to do so...lately i have experimented with a lot of recipes which sometimes proved disasterous given the fact that i changed the ingredient according to my whim and fancy...but they eventually turned ok...the kids walloped the whole thing...

i am actually waiting for my choc bread to proof...i have a few minutes left before i start baking them...
so far i tried baking pumpkin loaf bread...A DISASTER...the bread turned out to be extra yellow...scary i tell u!
as for potato bun..i used to buy and use potato flakes for my potato bun..but the past few days i couldn't find them anywhere near rawang...so i decided to substitute it with mashed potato...the dough was too soggy...sticking everywhere,...making me curse myself even more...
but the end result made my nostril flared with pride....the kids, cik esah and walid loved them....suffice to say i was proud with my escapade...

woops! time's up...got to go to bake the choc buns now...toodles!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

hematuria...or whatever they call it

i'm not feeling well these past few days..after the banana cake incident a baked another cake... chocolate mud cake..which really look like a whitish mud..because halfway through baking i realised i had ran out dark choc...what a mess! 
personally i thought it did not taste that good but the kids and hubby said..its good...so probably its good..i don't know...

two days ago..i started to have this funny feeling..everytime i urinate..i feel like i want to urinate over and over again...this feeling continued well into midnight when i finally urinate with 2 drops of blood..i'm like...uh ooo...this is not good...i searched the internet and i read in some website it only hematuria and probably just urinary tract infection....when i woke up the next morning..i started pissing blood...my urine looked murky..at one point..it did really looked bloody..at that point onwards...i started to feel pain severely whenever i urinate...now i'm on medication..i still occasionally feel the pain although it is not as painful as before...the moral lesson that you should learn from this story is, get yourself tested and not wait till the last minute like yours truly....

Sunday, March 13, 2011


this entry has nothing to do with any natural disaster that happened recently...just to relate to an event that happened yesterday....
 sufi has been nagging me  about a promise i made to her...she kept complaining that i only baked chocolate cake...she wanted her banana cake...
so a day before yesterday.. i bought  a comb of bananas.. and let them ripe for a day... i planned to bake the cake after i finished with tuition...(yes... poor me have to cari makan first)...when i got everything ready...i started baking...i could feel disaster started to tap at my door..it started with not having any castor sugar...but i told myself...never mind i'll make do with what i have...i used brown sugar...then after a while, i realised that i didn't have enough vegetable oil...so i just substituted with cooking oil...(pemalas betul nak pegi beli)
then ....i normally baked cakes at 175-180 degrees... but i decided to to bake according to the recommended temperature around 160 degrees...(oh boy! i'm in a great surprise!)

the cake took a long time to bake...almost an hour...when it finally came out from the oven...it has huge holes as big as the craters on walid's face...(i kid you not!)..well is that the end of my story? hell no...more disasters coming up...

i started to have this sinking bad feeling in my tummy...but i reminded myself "that's what you get when you bake in a hurry"

i put the cake on a rack to cool...my usual drill...
without me noticing it...widad went to the dining table where i put the cake...took one scoop of kuah masak lemak ikan and poured it on top of my COOLING CAKEEEEEE!!!! ARGHHHHH!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! NO!! NO!!! NO!!!
i lost it! i went ballistic and screamed my lungs out. i didn't care it was almost maghrib...i beat the crap out of her..and if it was not for Cik Esah...widad would probably ended up in a hospital ward......
everytime i look at the cake now..i felt this extreme anger at it...i wanted to throw it away but walid said we should not waste food...*sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I think last year during MAHA 2010 i bought 4 kilos of this bread flour...think i have commented it here 
i was actually impressed with the price hehehehhe...yes! the frugal me was talking back then...
here are some things i discovered:
a) this flour requires more liquid...if you use the flour and follow the recipe exactly..you are in for a HARDDDDD surprise...like i did!
b) it has this distinct smell or sort of like an after taste...like stale..or the smell of rice that have been kept for a long time....i gave some of the bread to my friends..they said the flour tasted and smelled ok...so...maybe it was me being picky...maybe...
c) made pretty looking buns..and fluffy looking buns.(sorry would really like to upload the pics but still unable to figure out how to upload in this blog of mine)

so...there you go folks...i think y'all should try and give your own comments...let us share...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Call me an idiot...call me nuts..i have never been impressed with red velvet...i don't care whether it is the best ever cake in this whole wide world....with that statement i was actually undermining the power of a curious mind over our own self control...
a few days back i decided to feast my eye at http://www.bisousatoi.com. i stumbled across her post the one on red velvet cake...the pics were overwhelmingly superb i tell you! rima kept on writing...how she regretted not trying the recipe before this...how she kept on encouraging the readers tio give it a try...obviously i'm curious..right...i am by nature a very curious A.K.A BUSY BODY so to speak...so i made walid drive me to LMC to buy the things needed.
i started baking around 6.30pm...and at 9 pm still baking....i'm a slow worker u see...the kids were curious with my new ínvention'they had never seen something so red before in their lives...jasmaine even warned me "kalau x sedap...siap mummy!"
so after i ve finally iced the cake...i carefully cut the cake and tasteit...it was exactly like what rima had said...it was wonderful..it was marvellous..it was heavenly...it was...it was...indescribable...okay..okay...i was actually intimidated with the red colour...to me who would eat something as red as that...like you've just robbed the blood bank and pour the whole pint into your batter.... forgive me red velvet..i shall never doubt u again...
jasmaine kept on harping about the cake and kept on eating teh cake again and again...
my only complain was the cake was wayyyyyyyyy too sweet...maybe next time i have to reduce the amount of sugar used.... double thumbs up!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This CNY hols is driving me crazy...why? i've got tonnes of work to do...which i don't know where to begin...but eventually i managed to get 2 out of 4 done...i'm left with Module for STAR STUDENTs and monthly exam papers...phew!
during the start of the holiday...i tried baking chocolate bread...(which was not as successful ...like its predecessor..by the way) but it was a hit with jasmaine...when i cut it open there was one huge gap inside probably because of the filling and the air pocket inside the bread while it was proofing......cik sah bought me snickers instead of cadbury milk chocolate..(well i had to make do with what i have right...do u expect me to be a mean Puan by sending the old lady to the shop again ?)
oh whatever....i suck! i'm a bit pissed right now because with the amount of work i have right now...i can't bake anything...
the kids were getting sick of bread....heheheh but they are not going to see the last of it...i'm planning to bake some chocolate cake for them....oh well....see how it goes...when everything is settled....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

experiment 1: sweet corn bread.....a success

i have been quite naughty lately...i've blog-hopped fron one to another and simply cut n paste recipes for own personal reference...i came across some bread recipes posted in   a forum...can't really remember the name...the pics on the bread was tempting...so i tried eventually
the moment all the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients were mixing i was telling myself that...(hmmm... looked like  a good texture) but the moment i tossed the creamy sweet corn..disaster struck! everything became watery...i knew i had to put in some flour...and by the looks of it i have poured a LOT of flour! ngeh ngeh ngeh...i was telling myself...ït's ok baby ..if it does not turn out ok..just chuck it into the bin and nobody would know"
well...my my..what a pleasant surprise when i saw it was rising pretty well...and by the time i bake it it looked like a chubby pillow...don't get me started about the smell...jasmaine and sufi came down and started sniffing the oven!
they can't even wait until the bread is cooled...i cut the bread into some slices..i thought the bread would taste a bit sweet..but it tasted just nice...and suited our tastebuds..the texture was soft...with bits of corn here and there...cik esah was telling me..."wahhh  ...mummy buat roti gardenia! sedapnya puan"..my nostril was flaring with pride...
thank you fellow contributor of the recipe..whoever u are..check the recipe from this site
i plan to bake more bread loaves after this..i hope i don't have to rely on the breadman anymore....:)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

the other side of midnight

i have this nagging feeling that i can't squash...the more i try not to think of it the more it haunts me...i remember when i was young...how surreal life is..and sometimes it can be quite idealistic too...to have the perfect figure, to have the perfect grade, to have a trophy partner...and also to be married happily ever after
10 years down the road and 10 years of maturity taught me a lot of valuable lessons in life:
I learn not to dwell too much on the past...espcially the painful thoughts that linger
i appreaciate what i have now...a stable income, a loving husband, a happy family. i may not be rich or has a filthy rich husband...at least i'm happier than people who are less fortunate than me..although he's not perfect (so do I) we will try and learn to keep each other happy...
i learn to start thinking about ME for a change...i'm fed up being someone's door mat...
i learn to say NO...not that hard actually once u get the hang of it...i did it now without even blinking..ehahahhahahha

Monday, January 17, 2011

my utterly disasterous POTATO BUN

yesterday...as usualy...i was trying to multitask..as usual...but this time i tried something i've never done before..i tried baking chocolate chip cookies and potato buns...i know this would be an impossible feat...but a challenge is tempting right...(no u say?...i'm stubborn.. u see)...the minute i put in the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients in the mixer i know something bad will happen..like its flashing in my mind already...the dough did not form a lump at all...(oh boy oh boy...my bread is dry...)
then when i bake the dough, i left it in for 20 minutes instead 10 minutes...the bread turned out to be a bit hard..and dry (like i did not visualise it earlier!).
i gave it to a friend ..who said it was ok ...in between mouthfuls (owh what did she know...)
should have listened to my conscience that was ringing in my head..BUT I AM SO BLOODY STUBBORN!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

my maid n me....

one fine afternoon:
cik esah: apa ni puan? (with a thick Indonesian accent)
Me       : tu anugerah dapat kat sekolah..
Cik Esah : Anugerah apa?
Me          : Anugerah Guru Bermotivasi SMK TD 2 2010...
Ciik Esah : (still unsatisfied) Motivasi itu apa?
Me          : kira macam x banyak songeh la...
Cik Esah : Songeh tu apa?
Me          : songeh tu x banyak soal la...bos suruh aku buat...
Cik Esah : lho....kenapa kalau di rumah kamu banyak   
                 songeh puan sama aku...?
Me          :hmmmmm....(thinking for answer) sebab aku kat 
                rumah BOSS! jadi aku banyak songeh la....


At this point she went into the kitchen cursing herself saying.."salah pulak soalan saya...saya kena balik....ada saja jawapannya orang ini..."